First of all, WELCOME! Hear the earth shop is a small online store I decided to open because of COVID-19. I´m a professional photographer and a communicator, aspiring filmmaker, unstoppable dreamer among others. On December 2017 I started a travelling blog and sold everything I owned to travel around the world for a whole year and actually didn´t stop travelling until the pandemic started. I was waiting for my flight to China but of course, it got canceled. I postponed all my plans and have stayed in Costa Rica since then: a beautiful paradise where i was born. I decided to open this online store as a way to reinvent myself and keep surviving as we all have been. Also, it´s a beautiful way to share pictures I´ve taken on my journey, travel and outdoor exclusives designs as a way to inspire and definitely a dream come true.  Thank you in advanced for the support you give me everytime you buy a product. And because of that, I will donate $1 per purchase to fight climate change, protect animals or any other environmental cause that needs help to continue working, every month. I´ll share it through email with all the people that have subscribed to my Newsletter. (If you haven´t subscribed, please GO AHEAD AND DO IT AT THE END OF THIS PAGE!) I send you lots of love, good energy and joy. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!


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